Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I chose this image because the focal point achieves emphasis with the contrast of color. The contrast of the two colored leave in this pile of black and whites creates a focal point. I love working with an image like this by changing it to black and white then bring back out the color of something in the image so it stands out.
I choose this art piece because the figure in the further right is the focal point and is in a state of isolation. The isolation seems to feel much larger then the room he is in. The focal point is off to the side seperate from things in the room. Even though there is a large window in this piece my eye goes right to the figure.

I love this piece! When I first looked at it I just thought it was a bunch of mushrooms and then I enlarged it and saw the widows, door, ladder, etc. When opening this image I thought the focal point was the larger mushrooms but after enlarging it I saw that the lighting at the door of the mushroom house is the focal point right where the large mushrooms are joined together.

One Element
This image is my choose for One Element because of the red painted "A" that over laps the "O" in the neon sign. It is visually strong and it is related to the other elements being that they are letters.

Absence of Focal Point
I choose this piece for my Absence of Focal Point because there isn't one. It is a very nice piece of art and the artist uses similar colors, shapes and texture through out the whole piece.

1 comment:

  1. Another point of view... re: the "absence of focal point" painting...I think I see one...when I mentally apply the rule of thirds grid, I see a focal point (via lighter, cream colour) at the lower right intersection. Obviously, it's just my point of view! :}
