Sunday, March 27, 2011

Shape and Valume

This weeks lesson was about shape and valume. The project due is a black and white image with the negative shape being black and possitive being white. This was a fun project and really gets you thinking about shape.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


This weeks lesson was on line. For the first part of the project due we were asked to draw lines with different medium. The lines needed to repressent four different emotions. This is what I came up with for angry, calm, sad, and happy.

This is the second part of the  project due and again using different mediums we were asked to draw lines that repressented four different verbs. This is what I came up with for fast, slow, scream, and meander.

For the third part of the project we were asked to draw 1 contour, 1 blind contour, 2 gestures (1 wet and 1 dry).

For the fourth part of this project we were asked to draw four different images with the lines expressing volume.

This project was difficult for me in that the feeling of art was not flowing through me. I am the type of person that cannot draw well if the feeling isn't there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I have very few pictures of myself and they are mostly of me and my daughter. This picture is four years old and is a good explanation of myself.  I am a Mom which can tend to take over your identity. I am very demanding of myself and people around me. In general I have the tendency of thinking that if you don’t giving 110% in what you are doing you are not trying. I am somewhat of a perfectionist which seems to be a family trait. I like to pick and joke around as a way of getting away from my high expectations of myself.  This image shows how proud I am to be a Mom and that I would do anything to protect this child. I do not like getting my picture taken and try not to look at the camera. I am a huge fan of, “do-it-yourself,” type of things and, “working with what you have.” For example I did the electrical wiring in my house, sheet rocking, and many other things. I just go get books or go on the internet, read up on it and see if I can do it. The work with what you have thing for example, there is a loft in my daughter's room and for the railing I went outside cut down some small trees and maid the railing out of trees instead of buying them. I love to create with my hands and get great pleasure from working with wood and in the dirt. Gardening is a great release for me and helps me to relax and recharge.
In this image I think the focal point is my smile then it shifts you to what I am looking at. The image has good balance even with the top of my head going off the top left there is more weight on the bottom right to off set that. There is also rhythm in the snow behind us.

An image of the railing in my daughter's room. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011


This week’s lesson is about rhythm. We needed to use a photograph that represented one of the five senses and we needed to choose four words that had to do with that sense. I chose taste and the four words I used were: sour, sweet, spicy, and mild.  Finally, we needed to design a fifth image that was inspired by the sense chosen. This project was a bit more difficult to do than I thought it would be. Using Adobe Photoshop I used filters to manipulate the image of a mouth. After going through the filters many times this is what I came up with.